Moral Education Forum
Teachers explore the art of moral education
Effective moral education will take place when educators gain enhanced humanity of and children improves their empathetic abilities.
Based on such believe, Moral Education Forum started as a Educators’ Society in 1963.
In this activity, teachers share their challenges in delivering class activities for moral education and develop solutions collectively, while exploring lives based on principles of morality and improving their own humanity and ability as an educator.
With support from Ministry of Education, Cultural, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), sessions are held at more than 90 locations nationwide in cooperation with boards of education in respective area. As an opportunity to explore the art of education integrating knowledge and morality, many teachers and educators are participating every year.
Purpose of Moral Education Forum
- Realizing education of Chitoku-ittai (integration of knowledge and morality)
- Educators fostering their mind of compassion
- Developing new art of moral education and classroom activities

Theme for 2020
Further enhancement of moral education
Due to the partial amendment of education guideline in March 2015, “Special Subject on Morality” was officially introduced in 2018 at elementary schools, and at junior high schools since 2019. However, many teachers are still finding out ideas for how to deliver class activities on the subject. Sessions will be held to help teachers find hints for their class activities and to contribute to developing new art of moral education.

Main contents
- Seminar by specialists on the theme corresponding to the needs of educational fields
- Lectures on the theme of enhancing character of teachers
- Discussion among participants on moral education
- Presentation on classroom practices and moral education by current teachers