Greeting from the Director

The Research Institute for Moral Science and Education (RIMSE) serves as the research arm of
the Moralogy Foundation. It comprises five research projects: three focusing on moral science, education,
and Moralogy itself (Research Promotion Project in Moral Science, Research Promotion Project in Moral
Education, and Research Promotion Project in Moralogy), and two exploring the connections between
ethics and morality in specific contexts (Research Project on Cultural Tradition and National Identity, and
Research Project on Perceptions of History). This structure allows RIMSE to conduct comprehensive and
interdisciplinary research in the field of ethics and morality.
RIMSE considers Moralogy, established by the Foundation’s founder Chikuro Hiroike, to be a
significant academic model for moral science. This field studies the principles of the human psyche and
social structure from a holistic perspective, exploring the ideal values of individuals, societies, and
nations. Through dialogue and collaboration with the most advanced contemporary academic research,
RIMSE strives to further develop Moralogy.
RIMSE pursues a two-pronged approach to address pressing global challenges. First, we build
a global research network through specialized academic research on ethics and morality. Second, we
collaborate with the Moralogy Foundation’s Lifelong Learning Division to develop and enhance
educational activities in ethics and morality.
While keeping an eye on the rapidly changing circumstances of our times, the RIMSE will
continue to explore the better ways of being of human beings, society, and civilization in a cross-
disciplinary manner, and we shall work together with you to create a new era of ethics and morality. The
results of our research activities will be disseminated through our annual academic journal “Studies in
Moralogy, the Forum for Ethical and Moral Studies,” various academic books and journals, the Moral
Science Research Forum and Colloquium as well as through and the Foundation’s website.
In our rapidly changing world, RIMSE remains committed to exploring, through a cross-
disciplinary lens, how individuals, societies, and civilizations can best flourish. Together, let us usher in a
new era of ethics and morality. The results of our research will be widely disseminated through our
annual academic journal, Studies in Moralogy: The Forum for Ethical and Moral Studies, academic
books and journals, the Moral Science Research Forum and Colloquium, and the Foundation’s website.
We would be grateful for your continued support in the future.
April, 2024
Takao Inukai
Director, RIMSE